$myedit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI." & @CRLF, 140, 32, 121, 97, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_MULTILINE, $WS_HSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetLimit($myedit, 1500)
; will be append dont' forget 3rd parameter
GUICtrlSetData($myedit, "It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation" & @CRLF & _
"in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript" & @CRLF & _
"and SendKeys)." & @CRLF & _
'AutoIt was initially designed for PC "roll out" situations to configure thousands of PCs, but with the' & @CRLF & _
"arrival of v3 it is also well suited to performing home automation and the scripting of repetitive" & @CRLF & _
"tasks." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "AutoIt can:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Execute Windows and DOS executables", 1)